The Job You Want, The Freelance Business You Want... The Life That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By Your Knowledge Of A Modern Programming Language...

The 30 DAY JAVA Challenge Starts Very Soon!

Join The Challenge Now For A One-Time Discounted Payment Of Only 297 Bucks

Freedom Is Just One Language Away

Just One Language Can Change Your Life

From: Tom Schweitzer
Where: Vienna, Austria

Why do you want to learn programming?

What does 'One Language Away' mean for you...?

For everyone it's different...

For some of you, you're in a job that you hate, and you're trying to get out.

For others, you are looking to learn new skills, to make yourself more valuable in the marketplace, to get the promotion you always wanted.

And for others of you, you're looking for ways to publish your own products - mobile apps, new web applications and platforms - to have more impact on the world!

Before I share with you MY GOAL for this 30 Day Java Challenge for YOU... let me ask you a few questions...

Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!

If You Checked ANY Of The Boxes Above, Then I Want To Invite You To Join The 30 Day Java Challenge And Change Your Life Forever!

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...

The challenge costs 297 bucks to join. This covers your materials during the challenge (more info on this below).

I could easily charge $1,000 for the full 30 day challenge alone…

Probably even $2,000, or more, but...

All You Pay Is 297 Bucks!

Sasa Desancic
I encourage everyone to accept the challenge

So far, programming made me feel like I'm going to have a surgery. Everything was hard and confusing for me. Now it's different because I saw your approach. After 10 seconds I saw that it was what I was looking for.

Then In Exchange For That Tiny Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

Total Value: $2,385

If you want to learn programming for REAL and the RIGHT way, then this is the mission I'm giving you...

You have 30 Days ...

Do YOU Accept?

Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...?

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You'll Get When You Join The Challenge Today!

The First Thing You’ll Get Access To Is The...

30 Day Java CHALLENGE...

Led by Mentor Tom Schweitzer, this challenge is designed to help you LEARN PROGRAMMING using Java - one of the top 3 programming languages in use today - in just 30 days…

Step #1

"The Lessons"

Each weekday, you will receive a new training mission from Tom.

These private videos will be between 10 and 30 minutes long, and will give you crystal-clear explanations about the Java topic of this day.

On each weekend, you receive 2 bonus lessons where Tom is not teaching new topics, but we are repeating and going to deeper into the things that we have been learning the previous 5 days - with additional clarifications, exercises and assignments.

You will have the ability to network with and ask questions to Tom and your fellow challengers!

Step #2

"The Workbooks"

Each day, you will also be given an Interactive Coding Workbook with the exact step by step instructions you need to follow to practice the topic for this day.

These workbooks will take between 15-30 minutes to complete.

There is nothing to install to use the workbooks - a free Google account and a web browser is all you need.

Step #3

"The Mentoring"

Not only do you get 30 days of daily video lessons and interactive workbooks…

You also a LIVE MENTORING SESSION each week with Tom.

On these special live trainings, you get to pick Tom's brain and ask ANY question you have about programming, Java, the workbooks, any specific lesson or exercise, you name it.

You can even share your screen with Tom via Zoom, and have him help you with problems or questions in your code.

It's like having your very own PRIVATE MENTOR sitting next to you, answering your questions, guiding you.

Here Is Your Mission,

(Should You Choose To Accept This Challenge…)

Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION And Complete The Tasks Given To You, Every Day For 30 Days

Yes, there will be some prep-work involved…

Yes, there will be homework…

But every day, you’ll be taking steps toward learning programming, building a foundation for your future.

My only question for you is…

“Do YOU Have What It Takes?”

By the time the challenge is over, you will write your own Java programs.

You will have gained the confidence to continue your learning in whichever direction you want - whether you want to be programming mobile apps, or creating your own web applications, or even getting into game development...

No technical skills needed to follow this course

I highly recommend this 30 day Java course because the lessons are very well prepared and you you will always get clear answers to your questions. It's very good starting point for beginners. You don't need to have any technical skills to follow this course. I'm glad that I have had a chance to complete this course without any programming experience.

Ferry Gani
Really helpful training

I'm starting from zero experience. Your training is really, really helpful for me, because you start step by step with the real basics. Thank you very much.

Get These AMAZING Bonuses...

When You Join The 30 Day Java Challenge Today...

Bonus #1

The "Irresistible Resume" Course

(297 Value)

Nevena Tomic
It's about making that first step

Back in the days, I had a little coding experience, but I never actually learned it. It was back in high school. Anyway, I started to realize: Computers are the future, and if you want a well paid job, then you need to learn some coding or programming. When I saw that 30 Days Java Challenge, I wanted to give it a try. I didn't regret it, because I really liked how Tom is mentoring and how he's well organized. Also, I really loved that he's always there to help if you need it. So, it's all about you making that first step.

Milan Milanovic
I will upgrade my job

When I started, I didn't have any programming experience. I wanted to learn something new, to upgrade my skills and to find a better job with better pay. This is a nice course, and Tom is a nice mentor. I learned a lot, and I hope in the future, with some practice I will upgrade my skills and upgrade my job. Thank you very much, Tom!

Regardless of whether you want to change careers, or get that promotion... the question is going to be:

How can you bring your resume to the top of the pile?

How can you present yourself to your next employer or boss in the best possible way - using the language they already speak?

This training will give you answers to those questions.

You will learn how to convert a boring resume into a dynamic asset statement that conveys your talents in the language that an employer understands.

After completing this bonus course, you will be able to

  • Identify the real purpose of a resume.
  • Identify relevant competencies for a position.
  • Adapt your resumes to resume screening software.
  • Write powerful and convincing accomplishment statements.
  • Take advantage of web resources to find power language for your resume.
  • Produce a strong resume in a format that is suitable both to your background and the position you're interested in.
  • Produce strong cover letters that use A.I.D.A. to help you achieve your career goals.

The "Irresistible Resume" bonus is a full 21 lesson course.

We break everything down into 3 easy steps: You learn how to prepare, how to write your resume, and how to write your cover letter.

Have you ever asked yourself...

"How can I start my own freelance business

instead of working for somebody else?"

Did you know that you can kick off your freelance business on the side?

But, how can you find clients that are paying you handsomely to do something that gives you joy?

And how do you build a long lasting relationship with those clients, with recurring projects and income?

In the "Freelancer Freedom" Training, we cover everything you need to know to get started as a freelance developer.

After completing this bonus training, you will have learned:

  • The three rules for making money as a freelancer.
  • How to fund your new business.
  • Niche selection secrets - how to decide what market you are going to serve.
  • "To Do" lists for planning and starting your freelance business
  • How to find valuable clients
  • How to build a long-term brand
  • "To Do" lists for marketing your business
  • How to manage your day-to-day tasks
  • How to create job security as a freelance developer

Bonus #2

"Freelancer Freedom" Training

(297 Value)

Albert Bota
All the resources and support that I needed

When I joined this challenge, I had no previous programming or Java experience. And even though I was excited to join the class, I was so skeptical about the end result. However, the step by step approach by my mentor, Tom, guided me in the right direction on what things I needed to do and how to get over my doubts. He gave me all the resources and support that I needed to achieve something that I never thought I would even try to do. I would definitely recommend this challenge to anyone. And I guarantee that you will never regret your decision to do so. I can definitely recommend this class to anybody.

These Bonuses Are ALL Inside The 30 Day Java Challenge...

Basem Aljoumani
Excellent Teaching Java Step By Step

I started the 30 Day Learn Java Challenge with Tom. With no experience with Java, I was surprised that after a few days I was enabled to write an interesting code. Tom is excellent in teaching Java, step by step, from the beginning to more complicated topics using Java.

  • The "Ultimate Resume" Course
  • The "Freelance Freedom" Training
You'll Get Immediate Access To The Bonuses The
Moment You Join The 30 Day Java Challenge Today!
Souri Qaredaqi
I really felt Tom's support

I didn't have any programming experience in the past. But after taking this challenge, programming sounds nice, and I feel more interested and enjoy it... It's something doable. Really. My opinion about Tom as a teacher: I think he's very responsible and dedicated person. And I felt really his support. It was really nice. Yes, definitely, I would recommend this course, this challenge to whoever is interested. This course was like a whole complete package. You could have chance to talk, to share your problems and ask questions. I am really happy to have taken this challenge. Thank you very much.

Christy Oni
I'm happy that I took that leap of faith

In the past, I did try to take a course but I had to cancel it because it was just quite too hard to follow. I just thought that programming isn't for me. The Java Challenge beat my expectation. It's a really, really good course, very, very simple to understand. When I started on day one, I was really, really surprised and happy that I finally found a course that I can understand. Tom is patient, he is very encouraging of students, he encourages you to ask questions. There's no such thing as a stupid question. He'll explain and he'll answer your questions in a very friendly and warm manner. So if you're thinking of taking a Java course and you know you're not sure, I would say definitely give this a try. Just go for it.

The 30 Day Java Challenge Is Different!

The 30 Day Java Challenge is NOT just some “course” that you’ll never use…

It combines the right foundational KNOWLEDGE…

With the PRACTICE you need to truly understand programming…

And the LIVE MENTORING to make sure that you get all your questions answered and all your problems solved

That’s the biggest challenge in taking your first steps when learning programming…

It’s almost NEVER a lack of knowledge that’s the problem...


(or, not executing the right way).

As you can probably see, getting access to the 30 Day Java challenge is like having me as your own personal programming mentor sitting next to you.

The only difference is that you couldn't buy a 1 HOUR consulting call with me for 297 bucks.

So, to get 30 DAYS - A FULL MONTH - with me for just 297 is crazy!

Yet you get everything we talked about above for FREE when you join the 30 Day Java challenge today!

So, are you excited yet!?! If so, then NOW is the time to take action!

Karol Verzsenyi
Lessons are really easy and to the point.

I am a 100 percent unexperienced guy who never coded in any programming language, the lessons are really easy and to the point. Easy explanations like text video plus example, and if you're still struggling, Tom is around, happy to help you.

You won't feel left alone

I came to the Java challenge with just a little experience and I expected it to be a huge task. But it's well explained, it's pretty comprehensive and Tom breaks it down so the information is easy to understand and simple to follow. He is ready to help where he can, so you won't feel left alone. I think the challenge is well thought through and nicely structured. So the actual challenge is the time. But since you can still access the program past the 30 days mark, there is no need to stress. You can take your time and figure it out for yourself in your own pace. So I would definitely recommend to try it out.

This Challenge Is NOT For Everyone!

If you want to watch every day of the challenge, and say “Thanks, Tom! That was some great info!”

...but never actually do anything with it, that’s entirely up to you.

(But chances are, nothing will actually change your life… If that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you).

If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 30 days…

If you want to be trained daily by Tom Schweitzer, and have him PULL you in the right direction...

If you need a good hard PUSH from a coach and mentor who will hold you accountable, and make sure that you get these tasks DONE (no excuses!)...

Then I invite you to accept the 30 Day Java Challenge, learn the language, and start creating momentum in your life!

So, What's The Catch...?

There is no catch.

I am doing this challenge, because I KNOW that when you have success learning the basics of programming with me, you're more likely to continue to work with me to further expand your knowledge and your experience...

That's it... that's my "evil" ulterior motive - for you to gain knowledge and experience quickly, so you keep studying and working with me as your teacher and mentor.

Juby Mathew
Gave me a thorough understanding

I liked the Java challenge a lot. I especially liked the exercises. It gives me a thorough understanding of the various aspects of Java. I never had an exposure to such a simplified way of Java. Thank you so much.

Why Time Is Of The Essence...

Nikola Rajcic
Really helpful

I would really recommend Java for beginners with Tom. It will bring you closer to Java in a cool way, whether you have programming experience or not. My experience with the TeachMeTom course was really helpful. So thank you, Tom.

Great course. Do it!

I never had any programming experience, and I wasn't sure that I would understand it. But I did, thanks to Tom. Tom is a really good teacher, I would highly recommend you do the course. If you're stuck on anything, every week you can actually speak to Tom and ask him any questions, anything you didn't understand. So - highly recommend it, great course, do it!

The challenge is starting VERY SOON!

If this page is open, it means that the challenge is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon.

And if you're wondering... well, can't I just take the challenge next time it opens up?

Well, the answer is MAYBE...

I'm not sure if or when the next challenge will be...

But, more importantly, what about the time you could used to gain knowledge and experience, because you waited...

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... but the 2nd best time, is NOW."

NOW is the best time for you to take the 30 Day Java challenge.

Is There A Guarantee?

Of course... :)

I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up daily to watch the video lessons and do the workbook exercises, and use the Live Mentoring Calls to clarify any pending questions you might have, by the time the challenge is done, you will have a complete and solid understanding of the core fundamentals of Java and programming in general.

If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can email me within 30 days and receive a full refund.

Pretty simple.

But if you're like most people, this experience will change your professional and private life.

Nikola Milekic
Programming is really, really easy

Before this challenge, I never understood programming like this, and I was really depressed trying to find some job. Now I finished this challenge and I'm really happy because now I understand how it all works. And really, it's not that difficult as you think, because Tom is a really, really good teacher. He explains things in a way that makes you think that programming is really, really easy. And I think that you should take this this challenge because it's really life changing -
It changed my life.

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!


Sincerely, Tom Schweitzer

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

When you join the 30 Day Java challenge today (for just 297 bucks) I'm going to give you 30 interactive workbooks, 30 days of video lessons, 4 Weeks of Live Mentoring Calls, the "Ultimate Resume" Training, the "Six Secrets To Move From Beginner To Intermediate" Training, the "Freelancer Freedom" Training, and even more unannounced bonuses...

PLUS, you’ll get a full 30 day experience where you work with myself to learn the basics of programming in Java!

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the challenge - Email me and I'll refund your 297.

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?! Join the 30 Day Java challenge today!

Here Is


When You Accept The 30 Day Java Challenge Today!

Total Value: 2,385

If you want to learn programming the RIGHT way, then this is the mission I'm giving you...

You have 30 Days...

Do YOU Accept?

Start Now! I Want Daily Training, LIVE Mentoring and Support
Leslie Addo
It was great.

I came to this class without any prior knowledge of programming. But at the end of the day, I left with understanding of what programming was really about. I recommend it to anyone looking to pursuit programming and to develop their programming skills with no knowledge. It was great. Thank you for this class.

Jean Michel Chauvet
I feel confident now.

I was part of Tom's Java challenge. I was to become a software engineer. But after the graduation, I wasn't feeling so confident. So until your challenge, I didn't apply for a job, because I didn't feel ready. When I was on Facebook, I discovered you explaining things like programming, Java. I said, OK, let me give this a try. And man, ... you can't imagine... It was exactly what I was looking for. I feel confident now. Like you said in your video, in the last video. One of the secrets is to keep practicing, practicing, practicing all the time. And, you know, I decided that I'm going to keep following this way. And I love, I love the challenge. I look forward to more challenges like that, I want to be part of any challenge of yours.

So happy that I found this course

I always had the preference and wish to try myself in this field. So I decided to take the course and see how it goes. And I must say I'm happy I did, because I'm thrilled and so happy that I found you because your way of explaining and your experience, which is shown in the course, is great and your simplification of everything is the thing which I like the most. So even people who are not technically experienced and have no previous knowledge about coding, they can understand everything! I would definitely recommend all your courses to everybody who is willing to take the chance with the future programming experience and learning. And what else I would like to say: In the beginning, I was thinking it would be hard to learn all the basics of programming, Java programming. But at the end, I realised that it's completely different story with you, Tom. So thank you for that. Thank you for all the great advice is and hopefully I will grow further more and learn even more advanced Java of programming.

Trevor Kantunda
I definitely feel more comfortable and confident in my skills.

I'm very new to programming or coding in general. Before I started, I was pretty intimidated about taking this challenge on, but I have to be honest: I definitely feel more comfortable and confident in my skills. Tom is a really good teacher, and what I like best about this program is how he goes over each step. You know, basically in baby steps. He really takes the time to explain, gives good examples. It's very hands on and interactive at the same time, so it definitely helps you get over that hump of being intimidated. I think this is definitely a good challenge worth taking if you're interested in learning some more. So I was happy with my experience.

I became addicated to Java

I always wanted to try Java, but it looked very difficult for me. At the beginning, it was a complete mess and I thought I'll just give up on my first day, but the more I learned, the more addicted I became. Tom, the teacher, is perfect. He is great, especially for me, as my English is not my first language, but how Tom is explaining everything in a simple way is perfect for me. I would like to recommend any person to take up the chance and learn it, because it's loads of fun. What did I like best? Probably how easy and simple Tom is explaining everything, and how much energy he puts in all these lessons. Thank you, Tom!

Samson A
Exceeded my expectations

I don't have real work experience in programming, but I have attended some HTML and CSS courses and also some JavaScript. I was hesitant to sign up at first. But after I signed up, I found all the lessons very interesting and they exceeded my expectations. I like the way the lessons are broken down. Another very interesting part in this are the weekly Mentoring Calls, helping to answer any kind of questions. As Tom says that there are no silly questions. So we forward any questions and the questions are answered in the call, and they will be attached to the specific day or topic. Finally, I do very much recommend this 30 day Challenge to anyone who is interested in pursuing or in learning Java and join the programming field.

Damla Agirgol
Made me believe in myself.

Thank you so much Tom for making me believe in myself. I wasn't good at Informatics in high school, and I've never been good at coding until this 30 Day Java Challenge. In high school we learned Python, and as I said, I wasn't good at it - So my teachers discouraged me and told me that I better not study informatics. But, guess what, teachers!? After two years, I decided to study informatics. And that's all thanks to you, Tom. You are the best and the right kind of teacher that we all need to have in our colleges, schools, universities... Yeah. Thank you so much.

Andrea Chandler
Tom makes it really easy

I have to admit I was a bit nervous about the course at the outset, as I have a very very minimal experience with programming in general - I had done a little bit of HTML and CSS and JavaScript for web development kind of stuff, but never never progressed very far with it. Recently I had an opportunity to sign up for a program at work that would allow me to become a software engineer. But as part of that, I have to pass a technical assessment for Java. I just finished up Tom's course and feel like I'm in a really good place to pass that technical assessment. He did a great job of breaking down what I thought were really complex subjects down into nice bite sized chunks, which made it really, really easy for me to master. And I feel like I'm gonna do really well. So, great job Tom and I'm looking forward to the next step in my professional journey.

Frederick Natividad
Good balance between real world English and "techie talk".

What I liked about this course was that I can pretty much use the same principles to learn any computer language. I'm very excited to apply these techniques to some projects I have at work. I think Tom has done a great job explaining the material. He's done a good balance using real world English and that "techie talk". I recommend this challenge for anybody who has a desire to learn how to program.

Richard Davis
Recommended, especially for seniors like me.

I never had any prior programming experience. Before I actually experienced this program with Tom, I was thinking it would be like a mainstream programming experience. But taking the course with Tom, the experience was quite, quite different. He explained better, and very understandable the way he delivered the message. The class is very, very beautiful, I liked it, I enjoyed it. About Tom - Tom is a great teacher, his delivery actually suited our abilities. And yes, I would recommend this course for anybody, especially seniors like me. I've learned about programming for years. The challenge with him was a kind of refresh, which probably I never thought I was going to get. But where I am today now. Thank you, Tom. I did really enjoy your lecture.

Henry Asiamah
Amazing experience

When I met Tom I had zero programming knowledge. I was quite nervous enrolling in that class because there are some of these videos, you pay money and you end up not learning anything. But that's not the same with this course. I must confess it has been a very good experience. I'm very confident about my programming skills now. Tom takes his time, takes you from the beginning, from scratch, right from some theory to practicals - it was an amazing experience. Tom as a teacher is very patient and he quickly responds to your questions and What I really liked about the course is how elaborated the course is. I recommend this for everybody who wants to take a career in programming or who wants to take a step in learning programming.

Joanna Drabik
I discovered that it's not that complicated and that I can also become a programmer.

I didn't have any programming experience before. I was a total beginner who thought that programming was complicated and dedicated only to men from technical IT universities. After a few lessons with Tom, I've changed my mind and discovered that it's not that complicated and that I can also become a programmer. I would highly recommend lessons with Tom, who is a good teacher and explains everything in a simple way so that everyone could understand. Taking the Java challenge was a great experience with a lot of fun. Thank you Tom.

I'm so very grateful that I joined the class

Thank you very much for your help. It's really challenging and interesting at the same time. I have experience in Java previously, but I never did anything with Java. The reason why I joined is to try and upgrade and update my skills, and to learn some few things again regarding Java. Your teaching has bean very helpful and also challenging. But I believe practice makes perfect. The resources and the tools used in this class are really, really good, and the videos are really helpful. I'm so very grateful that I joined the class. Thanks very much for your help, Tom. All the best and good luck. Bye bye.

Adeleke Ogundemuren
A brilliant experience - you will never regret it.

There is a particular area of the programming language that's always been a problem for me, which is object oriented programming. That was one of the main reasons why I joined the 30 Day Challenge with Tom. In summary, Tom is brilliant, he is gifted. Tom knows his stuff. He knows how to teach. In fact he's a professor in Java programming language. Let me say that. Thank you.

Sergej Konte
It's not so "science fiction" anymore!

Previously, I haven't got any experience with programming. So when I took the course, it was more like interest, getting some new knowledge, some new ideas. And so far, I guess it's a little bit easier, it's not so complicated, it's not so science fiction anymore. But of course I have to practice a lot. I will definitely recommend the course to my friends. Especially I liked the idea that you don't need to take a university computer science class to understand programming. I'm a little bit more confident in myself, and I'm sure that in one way I will be able to use this knowledge in the future.

Bipinchand Sankarankutty
I thought Java was a very difficult and complicated language

I don't have any experience in programming. I was not so confident about learning Java. I thought it was a very difficult and complicated language. Now I feel very confident and I can say that I can do programming if I work a little more with the homeworks which Tom gave. I am so happy with Tom's teaching. He taught everything in a very simple and easy way. I like the simplicity and the systematic way the course was put together. I recommend this course to everybody who want to learn programming!

Isaac Amoateng
Great support, 100% recommended

Before I this course, I felt Java programming was difficult, based on the syntax I've seen in the past. All the all these feelings have changed after enrolling in Tom's training. I've had understanding on the way the syntax is written and also I now understand the Java fundamentals. Tom is an excellent teacher, his very clear in his presentation. And he dedicated to provide support to us. I recommend this training 100%. What I liked best about the course is the support behind the course. You can contact Tom, and he will provide feedback via Zoom on what you've done - it's great. I intend to enrol in future courses that Tom will come up with.